Cave to the Cravings Responsibly
By []Angie Strader
You have worked hard all week eating healthy and making smart choices. You took the stairs at least one more time than usual this week and you might have even parked farther out in the parking lot and on top of it, you got in all of your scheduled workouts. Congrats! Then it hits you, that overwhelming craving for something on your 'do not eat' list. You actually felt it sneaking up on you yesterday and you ignored it. You did find yourself standing at the pantry and refrigerator door about fifteen times hoping that there really might be something sweet (or salty - depending on your vice) in there to snack on this time. If you are like me, the best I can find is a bag of baking chocolate chips leftover from holiday baking. I just cannot pull myself to eat those now that they turned a funky chalky white color and I finally throw them away. Then the craving mounts... It becomes bigger than you. You get irritated. You decide to find something healthy instead and will the craving to go away. Nope. It is still there. Know what happens next? Yep - you make it a mission to fulfill that craving no matter what and you do. Not only do you fulfill the craving, you manage to eat enough to fulfill the craving for you and five of your closest deprived friends as well. Shortly the aching starts. Not the bellyache from all you ate, but the aching you feel from beating yourself up. It's a cycle doomed to repeat itself unless you look at this whole mess another way.
There are ways you can healthfully manage the cravings. One way is to find a healthy substitute for your craving right away and be done with it. For instance, if you are craving chocolate chip cookies, have one small portion controlled snack pack of chocolate chip cookies. Savor each cookie and enjoy the flavor. Don't just break open the bag and inhale. There aren't that many pieces in a snack pack and if you cram them quickly, your mind will not register it on the craving satisfaction meter. Essentially, it is as if it did not count at all. There are many 100-calorie snack pack options available now and if you take the time to enjoy them, you will usually find your craving is satisfied and you are able to go on with life without obsessing over cookies. My newest satisfaction substitution is the Chocolate Shakeology. *Commercial Alert* Seriously, I was craving something sweet the other night and I made myself a chocolate Shakeology shake with one cup of nonfat milk and lots of ice. I blended it in the blender until it was thick and creamy and it was so yummy! I satisfied my craving with an indulgent 210-calorie shake that is loaded with nutrients vs. the full-fat version that can come in over 500 calories! I am not a fan of anything chocolaty in the morning so I have a Greenberry Shakeology every morning and that made the Chocolate Shakeology a real treat for me. Anyway...
Another way to handle the craving madness, and one that is truly reserved for those with very strong will-power, is to indulge in a small (and I mean smaller than RDA standards, not yours) amount of the one thing you are craving the most. For me, that would be ordering a piece of apple pie ala mode and sharing it with the others at the table. If I get others to agree to share, I am less likely to scarf it all down myself and risk the evil stares from those that didn't get their share of the pie.
A suggestion for those that work in an office environment - you know that traditionally vending machines are full of temptations and traps. Stay away from that trap. Buy a supply of your favorite portion controlled snack packs or maybe miniature chocolate bars and have a friend keep them for you in his or her office or desk. The trick is, you will have to find a buddy who has their own vice, preferable different than yours and you make an agreement to also hold their snacks. When you want a snack, you will have to go to your buddy to ask for it. This may help prevent you from eating two or three packs at one sitting. Just make sure you aren't pilfering through the stash you are holding for your buddy!
The point is that you do not have to deprive yourself completely when a craving strikes. There are ways to manage through and come out satisfied on the other side. Do not wait until you cannot take it anymore and then overindulge. Be proactive, make smart choices, and allow yourself the occasional controlled delight. You will feel better if you do and trust me, the world around you will be thankful you did because you are much happier when you are content.
My name is Angie Strader of More Happy Health, and I am an independent Team Beachbody Coach. As a Coach, I can help you make the right diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices, and motivate you to stay on track to reach any goal. Being a Coach allows me to combine my passion for helping people and years of healthy living into a successful business. I personally know the challenges of staying healthy, fit and happy. I have always been curvy and proportioned, but keeping my weight down has been a struggle for me. I have had several periods in my life in which I was in great shape, but without keeping up high-intensity I would start to gain it back and I'd give up. Most recently I lost 19 inches and felt great! Then with a demanding work travel schedule I gained back 12 of those inches. I had enough and decided to get back to working out and my daughter introduced me to Turbo Jam - it was love at first workout! I have since lost those 12 inches and have moved into the ChaLEAN Extreme 90-Day workout system. I can't wait to workout each day and I'm feeling great! Joining the Team Beachbody community was absolutely the right choice for me. It is such a powerful combination of products and tools, not to mention a great group of people who all share the same goals and make up the best support system ever. I created the More Happy Health blog to help others with fitness, nutrition and motivation tips and stories. Visit More Happy Health and let me know how I can help you reach your goals:
Article Source: [] Cave to the Cravings Responsibly
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Made To Crave - Diet Caused Cravings
Destroy Diet Caused Cravings
By []Cory Brusseau
OK, diet caused cravings plague just about any person who has ever had the misfortune of wanting or needing to lose any amount of weight at all. We strive to make some progress and just as we see a light at the end of the tunnel, the rug is pulled out from under us and we crack under the pressure. Best case scenario we simply quit. Worst case, we eat a load of junk and end up heavier and more depressed than before. The good news is there are ways to combat these cravings.
Diet cravings are caused by two things. First, cravings are caused by nutritional deficiencies. When you crave a cookie after trying to eat healthy, you are not actually craving the cookie. Rather, your body is telling you it is lacking in some nutrient. This lack of a nutrient sends signals to the brain telling you to eat more to get this nutrient as quickly as possible. The problem is that since you aren't sure what the nutrient is, you do not know the best way to satisfy the craving by eliminating the deficiency. Unless you choose to do tons of research, you may never know what deficiency causes the cravings. However, there is a way to cover your bases.
Proper nutrition, provided by unprocessed whole foods is the fastest, safest, most easily absorbable source of nutrients that exist. They are what we would call nutrient dense foods. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and unprocessed grains are just a few ideas of unprocessed whole foods. If you are in a rush, pick up a good green powder supplement. These new supplements can be mixed into a smoothie, have almost no taste, and are easily absorbed by the body within minutes. The good thing about a green food supplement is that, if made well, it will contain all of the vitamins and minerals you need for the entire day. But beware, most green food supplements are not made well so look carefully to see that they are made entirely from whole foods.
This may lead you to ask if it is possible to take a multi-vitamin. The answer is a resounding no. Multi-vitamins are almost always made from synthetic ingredients that cannot be absorbed by the body. They are ingested and eliminated without doing a single thing for the body. These cheap multi-vitamins are also dangerous as they give you very high levels of certain nutrients like Vitamin C, which can cause harm if taken in excess. Even herbs are not whole foods. Herbs are medicinal. If you want to destroy cravings, choose a green food supplement made from whole foods. Once again, multi-vitamins will give you no relief whatsoever from diet related cravings.
The second reason that causes cravings is that our brains have linked pleasure to these crappy foods. So if we make the mistake of trying to remove these foods without educating ourselves, our brain actually rejects the idea, or makes it incredibly hard to continue on. Let's face it, it's hard enough to go on a diet without your own brain telling you to quit! Everyone knows that healthy foods are better for you, so why doesn't that help? It doesn't help because we have spent far too much time associating junk food with happiness. It makes us feel good.
The only way to combat this is to change how we feel about these foods. Try making a list of all the amazing things you will get to see, feel, experience, and enjoy if you eat better and have endless energy and vivacious health. Next, make a list of every single bad food you eat and every single bad thing that you will experience if you continue eating this way. What will you lose? How depressed will you be? Will people see you as fat? How will you feel about that? How will you feel about yourself? What health problems will you encounter? You get the idea. Make the list as hard hitting as possible. Pin the list up and read it every single day! What this is doing is extraordinarily important. It is rewiring what your brain associates pleasure to. Each time you look at the list of bad things that will happen you will swing the pendulum back in the other direction. Over time you will lose your taste for many of these foods.
Diets fail because people fail to understand how their own bodies work. Take the time to learn a little bit and your success rate will go up 100%.
To learn more about nutritional and exercise programs designed for rapid, healthy, permanent weight loss, please visit
Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit:
Article Source: [] Destroy Diet Caused Cravings
By []Cory Brusseau
OK, diet caused cravings plague just about any person who has ever had the misfortune of wanting or needing to lose any amount of weight at all. We strive to make some progress and just as we see a light at the end of the tunnel, the rug is pulled out from under us and we crack under the pressure. Best case scenario we simply quit. Worst case, we eat a load of junk and end up heavier and more depressed than before. The good news is there are ways to combat these cravings.
Diet cravings are caused by two things. First, cravings are caused by nutritional deficiencies. When you crave a cookie after trying to eat healthy, you are not actually craving the cookie. Rather, your body is telling you it is lacking in some nutrient. This lack of a nutrient sends signals to the brain telling you to eat more to get this nutrient as quickly as possible. The problem is that since you aren't sure what the nutrient is, you do not know the best way to satisfy the craving by eliminating the deficiency. Unless you choose to do tons of research, you may never know what deficiency causes the cravings. However, there is a way to cover your bases.
Proper nutrition, provided by unprocessed whole foods is the fastest, safest, most easily absorbable source of nutrients that exist. They are what we would call nutrient dense foods. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and unprocessed grains are just a few ideas of unprocessed whole foods. If you are in a rush, pick up a good green powder supplement. These new supplements can be mixed into a smoothie, have almost no taste, and are easily absorbed by the body within minutes. The good thing about a green food supplement is that, if made well, it will contain all of the vitamins and minerals you need for the entire day. But beware, most green food supplements are not made well so look carefully to see that they are made entirely from whole foods.
This may lead you to ask if it is possible to take a multi-vitamin. The answer is a resounding no. Multi-vitamins are almost always made from synthetic ingredients that cannot be absorbed by the body. They are ingested and eliminated without doing a single thing for the body. These cheap multi-vitamins are also dangerous as they give you very high levels of certain nutrients like Vitamin C, which can cause harm if taken in excess. Even herbs are not whole foods. Herbs are medicinal. If you want to destroy cravings, choose a green food supplement made from whole foods. Once again, multi-vitamins will give you no relief whatsoever from diet related cravings.
The second reason that causes cravings is that our brains have linked pleasure to these crappy foods. So if we make the mistake of trying to remove these foods without educating ourselves, our brain actually rejects the idea, or makes it incredibly hard to continue on. Let's face it, it's hard enough to go on a diet without your own brain telling you to quit! Everyone knows that healthy foods are better for you, so why doesn't that help? It doesn't help because we have spent far too much time associating junk food with happiness. It makes us feel good.
The only way to combat this is to change how we feel about these foods. Try making a list of all the amazing things you will get to see, feel, experience, and enjoy if you eat better and have endless energy and vivacious health. Next, make a list of every single bad food you eat and every single bad thing that you will experience if you continue eating this way. What will you lose? How depressed will you be? Will people see you as fat? How will you feel about that? How will you feel about yourself? What health problems will you encounter? You get the idea. Make the list as hard hitting as possible. Pin the list up and read it every single day! What this is doing is extraordinarily important. It is rewiring what your brain associates pleasure to. Each time you look at the list of bad things that will happen you will swing the pendulum back in the other direction. Over time you will lose your taste for many of these foods.
Diets fail because people fail to understand how their own bodies work. Take the time to learn a little bit and your success rate will go up 100%.
To learn more about nutritional and exercise programs designed for rapid, healthy, permanent weight loss, please visit
Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit:
Article Source: [] Destroy Diet Caused Cravings
Made To Crave - Stopping Food Cravings
Food Cravings - How to Stop Them
By []Hope Pope
For me, craving sweets and foods in general has always been a problem. One day I noticed that eating cinnamon on my fruit in the morning made me crave food less. I figured if I could find other foods that helped me stop craving food so much, I would be on my way.
So I did some research and here is what I found...
Regulating blood sugar can help control food cravings.
Guess what is one food that helps with that? You got it... cinnamon!
A study was done at the Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland by Dr. Richard A. Anderson. He and his team discovered that cinnamon helped lower blood sugar. They included 60 participants (30 men and 30 women) who were divided into groups... some of the groups were given cinnamon daily and some were given a placebo for 40 days straight.
After 40 days, all the groups that were given cinnamon had a decrease in blood sugar versus the groups that were given a placebo; they had no affect at all.
Researchers have found that adding just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help regulate blood sugar which in turn, can help control food cravings.
Another way to regulate blood sugar is to cut back on carbohoydrates. Carbs can raise blood sugar levels to very high levels... which is why diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake.
Another useful tip... Eat every two to three hours... but eat small meals. Eating 6 small meals a day has been shown to regulate blood sugar and therefore also help help control cravings.
Also, raw organic unrefined coconut oil can also help with food cravings. One tablespoon a day might just do the trick.
A study was done on rats where some were fed MCFA (coconut oil is rich in MCFA) and some were fed low fat diets for 4 to 5 weeks. The results showed better glucose tolerance for those rats who were fed the MCFA versus the low fat diet.
Oh... and don't be fooled to think that coconut oil makes you fat. Actually, the opposite has been shown to be true. is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.
Article Source: [] Food Cravings - How to Stop Them
By []Hope Pope
For me, craving sweets and foods in general has always been a problem. One day I noticed that eating cinnamon on my fruit in the morning made me crave food less. I figured if I could find other foods that helped me stop craving food so much, I would be on my way.
So I did some research and here is what I found...
Regulating blood sugar can help control food cravings.
Guess what is one food that helps with that? You got it... cinnamon!
A study was done at the Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland by Dr. Richard A. Anderson. He and his team discovered that cinnamon helped lower blood sugar. They included 60 participants (30 men and 30 women) who were divided into groups... some of the groups were given cinnamon daily and some were given a placebo for 40 days straight.
After 40 days, all the groups that were given cinnamon had a decrease in blood sugar versus the groups that were given a placebo; they had no affect at all.
Researchers have found that adding just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help regulate blood sugar which in turn, can help control food cravings.
Another way to regulate blood sugar is to cut back on carbohoydrates. Carbs can raise blood sugar levels to very high levels... which is why diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake.
Another useful tip... Eat every two to three hours... but eat small meals. Eating 6 small meals a day has been shown to regulate blood sugar and therefore also help help control cravings.
Also, raw organic unrefined coconut oil can also help with food cravings. One tablespoon a day might just do the trick.
A study was done on rats where some were fed MCFA (coconut oil is rich in MCFA) and some were fed low fat diets for 4 to 5 weeks. The results showed better glucose tolerance for those rats who were fed the MCFA versus the low fat diet.
Oh... and don't be fooled to think that coconut oil makes you fat. Actually, the opposite has been shown to be true. is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.
Article Source: [] Food Cravings - How to Stop Them
Made To Crave Book - Stop Junk Food Cravings
Craving Junk Foods - How to Stop Cravings For Junk Foods
By []Kelly Aziz
Craving for junk food and fast food are a common problem in the Western world. Not only are there advertisements everywhere and popular chain stores around every corner, junk food meals target our very instinctual, primal diet - our sweet and meat tooths, making it that much harder to resist.
Giving up junk foods can be tough and to stop craving them can be tougher but it is possible. To stop eating junk foods you need to know firstly what to put into your body to nourish it enough not to crave these empty calories and to satisfy these cravings for sweet or junky foods. You then need to address your craving triggers and learn to avoid or to use something else instead of food as the solution.
Now, I am not saying that you need to diet. In fact you probably tried that and that just made you crave junk foods even more. Diets simply don't work because even the word diet implies restriction. This can send one into a panic, and then into a junk food binge. I know I have been there. The best approach is to introduce good nutrient rich foods at the beginning of meals and at the beginning of your day. The beginning of the day is the easiest time in terms of cravings. Cravings usually appear as the day goes on. If you introduce nutrient rich foods at the beginning of meals you will find cravings diminish also. Instead of completely changing your diet, making a small change like this is something one is able to stick to because you know you will be getting your usual food afterwards.
Once you have successfully added in good foods to your diet, you should find you cravings diminish dramatically if not altogether. If they disappear and you are able to continue life without any problems that is great. Of course though for many physical cravings is only half the battle and they must deal with emotional or phantom hunger.
Emotional hunger is when one experiences a sudden urge to eat as though they are hungry, after emotions. For example some people find that spending the evening in front of the TV bores them. This feeling of boredom triggers them to want to eat - and eat they do! Others find that stress at work can trigger a sudden urge.
The best way to find out your triggers is to observe yourself throughout a day. When you know your triggers you will be better able to overcome them. Instead of eating, write a list of things you can do instead and carry it with you. Sometimes simply allowing yourself to feel the feeling is enough to get over the phantom hunger. If it isn't eat some fruit (4-5 pieces).
Most people experience both physical cravings and emotional cravings so it is worth taking the time to work out your triggers. In a society where food is used to celebrate, to mourn and to enjoy ourselves, it is no wonder that most people eat due to emotions - so make sure you spend just as much time on this aspect of your eating as the physical cravings.
Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed "Free to Eat" Combat Your Cravings eBook that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit:
Stop Craving Junk
Article Source: [] Craving Junk Foods - How to Stop Cravings For Junk Foods
By []Kelly Aziz
Craving for junk food and fast food are a common problem in the Western world. Not only are there advertisements everywhere and popular chain stores around every corner, junk food meals target our very instinctual, primal diet - our sweet and meat tooths, making it that much harder to resist.
Giving up junk foods can be tough and to stop craving them can be tougher but it is possible. To stop eating junk foods you need to know firstly what to put into your body to nourish it enough not to crave these empty calories and to satisfy these cravings for sweet or junky foods. You then need to address your craving triggers and learn to avoid or to use something else instead of food as the solution.
Now, I am not saying that you need to diet. In fact you probably tried that and that just made you crave junk foods even more. Diets simply don't work because even the word diet implies restriction. This can send one into a panic, and then into a junk food binge. I know I have been there. The best approach is to introduce good nutrient rich foods at the beginning of meals and at the beginning of your day. The beginning of the day is the easiest time in terms of cravings. Cravings usually appear as the day goes on. If you introduce nutrient rich foods at the beginning of meals you will find cravings diminish also. Instead of completely changing your diet, making a small change like this is something one is able to stick to because you know you will be getting your usual food afterwards.
Once you have successfully added in good foods to your diet, you should find you cravings diminish dramatically if not altogether. If they disappear and you are able to continue life without any problems that is great. Of course though for many physical cravings is only half the battle and they must deal with emotional or phantom hunger.
Emotional hunger is when one experiences a sudden urge to eat as though they are hungry, after emotions. For example some people find that spending the evening in front of the TV bores them. This feeling of boredom triggers them to want to eat - and eat they do! Others find that stress at work can trigger a sudden urge.
The best way to find out your triggers is to observe yourself throughout a day. When you know your triggers you will be better able to overcome them. Instead of eating, write a list of things you can do instead and carry it with you. Sometimes simply allowing yourself to feel the feeling is enough to get over the phantom hunger. If it isn't eat some fruit (4-5 pieces).
Most people experience both physical cravings and emotional cravings so it is worth taking the time to work out your triggers. In a society where food is used to celebrate, to mourn and to enjoy ourselves, it is no wonder that most people eat due to emotions - so make sure you spend just as much time on this aspect of your eating as the physical cravings.
Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed "Free to Eat" Combat Your Cravings eBook that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit:
Stop Craving Junk
Article Source: [] Craving Junk Foods - How to Stop Cravings For Junk Foods
Made To Crave Book Review

Made To Crave Book By Lysa Terkeurst
The 'Made To Crave : Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God Not Food' book is a completely different viewpoint on dieting and weight loss. In alot of different ways, the 'Made To Crave' book is NOT just about how NOT TO EAT too much. Its a connection directions manual if you will.
Many of us already know how powerful our relationship to God can be - although sometimes we have a tough time believing that praying will solve some of our everyday problems - like dietary problems, gambling problems, drugs and other problems.
How Can 'Made To Crave' Work For YOU
What the 'Made to Crave' book does is re-kindle our desire and our improve our ability to connect with God in a way that opens up new doors to our OWN POWER. And once we have reached out to God, once we ask him for guidance, we will then have the strength to overcome certain desire's and craving's that were once the downfall of us , our health and many other aspects of our family and work life.
I have never been so happy to read such a wonderful and uplifting book - yes -I too have had problems keeping weight off. Sometime's I think that I am hardly different than the person who cannot help but spend half their check on lottery ticket's or booze.
Replace Eating With Something More
Eating can feel like comfort - and after awhile it seems to CALL US. Its a cycle that we must break free from, and I am so happy that someone has finally made a book that teaches- or re-teaches- many of us to seek out God's guidance and gain the strength we need from Him in order to break free from the chains that bind us to fattening foods and sweets.
If you are here -or if you were somehow drawn to the 'Made To Crave : Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God Not Food' book, then I can almost guarantee that you are 1 step away from dealing with your own weight and eating problems once and for all.
Please, if you sense the power that is God -and you feel the calling to lean on him for guidance and strength, then give this book a chance - I have already begun to see changes in my eating habits, and more importantly, MY LIFE.
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