Thursday, January 6, 2011

Made To Crave - Stopping Food Cravings

Food Cravings - How to Stop Them
By []Hope Pope

For me, craving sweets and foods in general has always been a problem. One day I noticed that eating cinnamon on my fruit in the morning made me crave food less. I figured if I could find other foods that helped me stop craving food so much, I would be on my way.

So I did some research and here is what I found...

Regulating blood sugar can help control food cravings.

Guess what is one food that helps with that? You got it... cinnamon!
A study was done at the Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland by Dr. Richard A. Anderson. He and his team discovered that cinnamon helped lower blood sugar. They included 60 participants (30 men and 30 women) who were divided into groups... some of the groups were given cinnamon daily and some were given a placebo for 40 days straight.

After 40 days, all the groups that were given cinnamon had a decrease in blood sugar versus the groups that were given a placebo; they had no affect at all.

Researchers have found that adding just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help regulate blood sugar which in turn, can help control food cravings.

Another way to regulate blood sugar is to cut back on carbohoydrates. Carbs can raise blood sugar levels to very high levels... which is why diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake.

Another useful tip... Eat every two to three hours... but eat small meals. Eating 6 small meals a day has been shown to regulate blood sugar and therefore also help help control cravings.

Also, raw organic unrefined coconut oil can also help with food cravings. One tablespoon a day might just do the trick.

A study was done on rats where some were fed MCFA (coconut oil is rich in MCFA) and some were fed low fat diets for 4 to 5 weeks. The results showed better glucose tolerance for those rats who were fed the MCFA versus the low fat diet.

Oh... and don't be fooled to think that coconut oil makes you fat. Actually, the opposite has been shown to be true. is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.

Article Source: [] Food Cravings - How to Stop Them

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