Thursday, January 6, 2011

Made To Crave - Diet Caused Cravings

Destroy Diet Caused Cravings
By []Cory Brusseau

OK, diet caused cravings plague just about any person who has ever had the misfortune of wanting or needing to lose any amount of weight at all. We strive to make some progress and just as we see a light at the end of the tunnel, the rug is pulled out from under us and we crack under the pressure. Best case scenario we simply quit. Worst case, we eat a load of junk and end up heavier and more depressed than before. The good news is there are ways to combat these cravings.

Diet cravings are caused by two things. First, cravings are caused by nutritional deficiencies. When you crave a cookie after trying to eat healthy, you are not actually craving the cookie. Rather, your body is telling you it is lacking in some nutrient. This lack of a nutrient sends signals to the brain telling you to eat more to get this nutrient as quickly as possible. The problem is that since you aren't sure what the nutrient is, you do not know the best way to satisfy the craving by eliminating the deficiency. Unless you choose to do tons of research, you may never know what deficiency causes the cravings. However, there is a way to cover your bases.

Proper nutrition, provided by unprocessed whole foods is the fastest, safest, most easily absorbable source of nutrients that exist. They are what we would call nutrient dense foods. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and unprocessed grains are just a few ideas of unprocessed whole foods. If you are in a rush, pick up a good green powder supplement. These new supplements can be mixed into a smoothie, have almost no taste, and are easily absorbed by the body within minutes. The good thing about a green food supplement is that, if made well, it will contain all of the vitamins and minerals you need for the entire day. But beware, most green food supplements are not made well so look carefully to see that they are made entirely from whole foods.

This may lead you to ask if it is possible to take a multi-vitamin. The answer is a resounding no. Multi-vitamins are almost always made from synthetic ingredients that cannot be absorbed by the body. They are ingested and eliminated without doing a single thing for the body. These cheap multi-vitamins are also dangerous as they give you very high levels of certain nutrients like Vitamin C, which can cause harm if taken in excess. Even herbs are not whole foods. Herbs are medicinal. If you want to destroy cravings, choose a green food supplement made from whole foods. Once again, multi-vitamins will give you no relief whatsoever from diet related cravings.

The second reason that causes cravings is that our brains have linked pleasure to these crappy foods. So if we make the mistake of trying to remove these foods without educating ourselves, our brain actually rejects the idea, or makes it incredibly hard to continue on. Let's face it, it's hard enough to go on a diet without your own brain telling you to quit! Everyone knows that healthy foods are better for you, so why doesn't that help? It doesn't help because we have spent far too much time associating junk food with happiness. It makes us feel good.

The only way to combat this is to change how we feel about these foods. Try making a list of all the amazing things you will get to see, feel, experience, and enjoy if you eat better and have endless energy and vivacious health. Next, make a list of every single bad food you eat and every single bad thing that you will experience if you continue eating this way. What will you lose? How depressed will you be? Will people see you as fat? How will you feel about that? How will you feel about yourself? What health problems will you encounter? You get the idea. Make the list as hard hitting as possible. Pin the list up and read it every single day! What this is doing is extraordinarily important. It is rewiring what your brain associates pleasure to. Each time you look at the list of bad things that will happen you will swing the pendulum back in the other direction. Over time you will lose your taste for many of these foods.

Diets fail because people fail to understand how their own bodies work. Take the time to learn a little bit and your success rate will go up 100%.

To learn more about nutritional and exercise programs designed for rapid, healthy, permanent weight loss, please visit

Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit:

Article Source: [] Destroy Diet Caused Cravings

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